As soon as we get back to our biological families, we surely get "occupied" don't we!
Vern and I have been on grandchild and dog and horse duty for our youngest son, for 4 weeks now. Not doing too good, either. ha. We sold one of their horses, the grandson has a ecky nose cold, and one of their dogs attacked one of the others, and we have vet bills.
Oh well! That's life...ours anyway.
Vern is haying our fields now. The grass is lovely, but thought we'd never get to hay because we had so much rain in June and the ground is still wet; however, the hay cured out nicely. Baling more today, tomorrow, and to infinity....well, it just seems that way.
Not nearly as much to cut/bale as we used to have.
It was hard planting a garden, for the same reasons, rain, showers, sprinkles, INTERMITTENT SPRINKLES WITH RAIN. Our weather people come up with novel ideas to relay the same message...RAIN!
Heard from Pat Coffey, and Bob's mother passed on. They were very close to her, and he lost his dad not too long ago. They would be celebrating their 70th anniversary, and she wanted to be with him for that! Here is their address/phone in case you care to send condolences.
Bob and Pat Coffey:
311 Pebble Creek Dr.
Mountain View, AR 72560
Phone is 361-648-8686 (Pat's cell)
Earlier, we had a great visit with Bill and Darlene Sturgal, here in Albany. They played some Blue Grass and sang and we got to invite a few of our friends. Our son and his friend enjoyed joining in now and then, when they could.
Kay and Woody Hoyman just bought a house in Twin Falls, Idaho! They will still be wintering in Quartzsite!
Wendell and Joanne Seawright are in New Hampshire now, I believe. They were enroute and stopped for awhile to visit Rose. They attended services there and was surprised to see Joanne (Jo) Moreland there! Her son-in-law leads the singing there! Isn't that great to run into a member of our church family!
Olen and Edie Tackett called and reported they are doing well, and their garden is up and way ahead of ours!
Linda and Reg Herring have been doing some yard remodeling and found muscles they don't know they had! Been moving large rocks and boulders around.
Talked to Hazel Swangel and she reports that Paul and she are doing fine!
Also, visited by phone with Harriett Boenish. She got moved to a city and can attend all services now, and visit with friends. She was so far out and away, and Minnesota has bad winters which kept her house bound. She is much happier and sends her love to all.
A financial report is that we did pay an extra $8,000 to Red and Norma, who sold us the property and buildings, making a total of $21,000 paid this past season. Our bank account is $6,700+ so we are holding well.......but we need to be making some deposits to ensure we can make another $13,000 payment soon. Remember you can send checks to the Horizon Bank, in Quartzsite, for account number: 0303000723, which is the Quartzsite church of Christ. The bank's address is: P.O. Box 4680, Quartzsite, AZ 85359.
We are looking forward to being together again, Lord willing!
That's it for now. Our love to you all.
judy and vern