Hallelujah! Praise God! Papers were signed and property just four blocks from the Senior Center (where we have been meeting for 15+years) has been acquired for a place of worship and service to God.
The physical address is 76 Emelia There is an older double wide modular for the worship area and a single wide modular for the fellowship area, complete with stove, sink, bathroom and small bedroom. There is also a large garage type building with room off to the side, both plastered and fairly new.
History: This property and buildings were used by the Baptist Church and then for Music Jams. There is a beautiful Mexican brick "fence" all around the acre of property, two sliding black iron gates and plenty of parking!
Over half has been paid down, but we need to raise the rest. The former owner, "Red," is carrying the contract at 4.5%. A great price!
Thank you so much for being a part of this historic event…Quartzsite now has a permanent place to worship in and allow Brother Wendell to preach his eight hours, without having to leave to let someone come play BINGO !
We are hoping you will have fun attending garage sales, or going through your basement or attic to help find things for the two buildings. We are researching stackable chairs at a surplus store at Oregon State University right now, as well as a couple more tables, etc.
We now have a P.O. Box for the Church: P.O.Box 5073, Quartzsite, AZ. 85359. Any correspondence or donations (unless you have bank deposit slips) may be sent to that address.
Woody and Kay Hoyman have parked their RV on the property and we have heard they have been painting and perking up things.
Such an incredible group of supporters are YOU! We love you all!
This blog was created for us to keep in contact with each other, and notify of articles acquired and/or needing.
Articles acquired so far!
Some silverware
Some towels
An on the counter roaster
A warmer
Coffee pot with 2 pot warmers
A pulpit (being built for us!)
A P.A. sound system
One eight-foot table
Several chairs for fellowship room
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