How exciting to begin receiving more frequently, emails from our Quartzsite Brothers and Sisters in Christ. It gives a shot in the arm, for sure! Some have been very busy planning for our upcoming meeting, and it sounds like it is unfolding just the way it should be.
Since we are maturing adults, we need to acknowledge a few physical conditions within our "flock." Brother Wendell had a heart attack recently and 2 stents were inserted. Now he says he feels absolutely wonderful, and ready to preach the Word. Praise the Lord!
Sister Mary Blankenship is having much pain from degenerative and misaligned disks, accompanied with arthritis. She is now seeking the expertise of a surgeon, as she has tried P.T. for 6 weeks, with little or no help. Please pray for her and for Brother Ken. At this time, they are unsure of their time in Quartzsite this Snowbird season,
Miebachs have been having repair surgeries this summer, as a result of a car wreck last year.
Sister Fran Rupe is driving to Portland, OR, to help settle her mother's affairs in Oregon and pack her up, as she is going to be living with Fran in Quartzsite. Fran has been busy making a few upgrades and repairs to prepare for this event. She is very excited to have her mom with her! (Remember that Fran's husband passed away last winter).
Please email vjmiebach@peak,org so we can make additions or changes to this list.
At this time, Brother and Sister Molzahn are in Colorado at a Bear Valley Preaching School Reunion, then plan to head on down to Quartzsite.
Brother Noel Teague plans to be in Q. the middle of October.
An encouraging note was sent by Dave and Karen Fiddament, who will be in Q. for the annual meeting and are eager to help.
Because of another precious grandchild on the way, the Miebachs won't be at Q., most likely, until the first part of January.
Some of you will remember the Lewis' that were in Q. two seasons ago. (Leonard and Jean) They have been having a nice trip down from Montana, touring and visiting with cousins, including ones of the Miebach family.
Please feel free to acknowledge errors or changes or additional information by emailing
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Friday, February 28, 2014
Well, we could try to fill in the time between entries....A lot has happened at Quartzsite church of Christ, and yet it is also the same!
Although Brother Wendell has had help preaching this year (mainly Gerald Mohlzahn and Ken Blankenship) he is still the main speaker. Paul Swangel has had some help this year leading singing, but he is still going strong with that, also. We are grateful for the many years both have served!
Some of us have moved on, to greener fields...which is about anywhere. A few have passed on to Paradise. Waiting for that great resurrection day! Among those are Dan Boenish, who with his wife, Harriett, handed out water bottles at their jewelry table, with a scripture on them, and an invitation to worship with us. Effie Seawright, Elsie Brian, Myron Nelson, and Howard Moyer are a few of them.
This is the 2nd year that Olen and Edie Tackett have not come to the desert for warmth. Edie just got tired of packing up all that "stuff" and Olen needed to take better care of himself, too.
Bob Coffey, now in Arkansas, suffered a stroke and is improving with much help from wife Pat, and at home therapists. He has had carotid artery surgery recently, also.
Our Spiritual Feasting Meeting in January 2014 was a wonderful one, as have all four years! We had some wonderful speakers preaching straight from the scriptures. We had one speaker who allowed the devil to shoot arrows at us, but because we have grown in love and are girded with truth, we were able to deflect those arrows, and we believe it drew us all closer.
We have a beautiful website being built! Most likely you are looking at it right now. The men have been spending much time in meetings to determine when to have next year's meeting and what the theme of it will be, and how we can grow in our service to Quartzsite and the world, for God's glory. One way we have is the wonderful World Video Bible School DVDs that we put on the backs of the seats we set in for worship. We encourage people to take them. We have given out close to 300 this winter season, already. They are taken by people who live all over this United States, and who knows how many people have sought the Lord's church because of these DVDs. If you are on the church website, just chose Free On Line Videos at the top and click on it. These are available via YouTube, or the WVBS website, to watch free! What a great way to fulfill the GREAT COMMISSION to carry the Gospel to all.
We have been blessed by new people attending and becoming a part of our Quartzsite family. Praise God for that. The men are also contacting AIM, Adventures in Missions, via Sunset School of Preaching, in hopes of attracting a young couple to come and work with us in Q. especially with those whose hair has not turned grey yet. :) The goal being to be able to have a full-time congregation: one that is "open" all year long, instead of closing from May to Nov. It is so hot here in the summer that many businesses and also private citizens, close or vacate during July, Aug and September, anyway.
Here are some of the wonderful Quartzsite church of Christ ladies!
Front row, left to right: Hazel Swangel, Fran Rupe, Rose ? (a friend of Pat's) Pat DeLong.
Middle row: left to right: Maryellen Teague, Jerri White, Marie Mohlzahn, Ilah Moody, Bonnie Terry, Judy Miebach.
Back row: left to right: Jo Moreland and Mary Blankenship.
That's it for now, more later, Lord Willing and the Wash Doesn't Fill UP!.
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